Real firearms, real experiences!

For hunters

The goal of the hunter training course is to improve in areas deemed necessary for hunters of any skill level and practice shooting situations that would otherwise only be possible during an actual hunt. Thus as the program concludes they will see an increase in their confidence and efficacy. All this with the aid of a proven and recognized instructor with extensive practical knowledge in the specified field.

Since you already decided to spend a (considerable) sum on a driven hunt and you find yourself in the opportunity to take a shot, then you shouldn’t leave it up to chance whether we can stand next to the prey with our head held high or dejectedly.

Check out our video made for hunters!

Areas of improvement, rifles:

• Shooting at fast-moving targets, simulated wild boar
• Development of complex shooting skills: supported, stick, free hand on a moving target

Each training course begins with a short theoretical explanation, so that the shooter understand why and how to apply certain techniques. This is followed by the finding the correct grip, posture, motions to raise weapon to the ready position, breathing, method of aiming, firing and movement techniques. The essence of the exercise is to make it stick: a large number of actually fired shots. Each shot is revised as the instructor analyzes the execution.

All courses take place at a pre-arranged time, where only the shooter and the instructor are present.

The basic technique of shooting is independent of caliber. In order to gain sufficient practical knowledge and muscle memory, several shots are have to be made. Firing this many cartridges with actual hunting calibers is very costly, both physically and financially, further complexity is added with more severe recoil, making it more difficult to pinpoint potential mistakes. To alleviate those mentioned above the course is carried out with air (PCP) and 0.22 caliber rifles, which are modified to have the same weight and appearance as regular hunting rifles. Recoil on these weapons are non-existent or negligible. As a result both the instructor and the shooter can keep track each and every moment. These weapons are outstanding in quality, the very best in their respective category.

AirArms 410 F and Steyr Hunting 5 Automatic (PCP) airgun Voere or Erna manufactured 0.22 caliber rifle.

Preparation for driven wild boar

In the course, the shooter first fires a few shots free-handed on a stationary target, partly to familiarize themselves with the weapon, or in case of uncertainty, the instructor brings their skill up to the appropriate level.

The development of skill is first done by shooting at a distance of 10 meter with an air rifle, on an automatized, competition-level machinery. Two settings are being shot, at first, the slow, and then the fast. This is followed by 0.22 cal. practice on an increasingly fast-moving target. By the end of the exercise, the shooter is expected to not have more than one or two misses at the most at any target speed. A total of 50 shots has to be presented. This is the theoretical minimum by which the motor functions are committed to memory and can be executed on demand without thinking. Per request excess shots are granted for an additional fee: but to our mind, mostly to gloat about their own ability.

Moving target base course: Shot with both air and 0.22 caliber rifles at varying speed settings at wild boar paper targets. 50 shots 35000 HUF

Moving target advanced course: The base course is extended with the addition of simulated obstructions such as foliage, as well as small window-of-opportunity situations. Combined total of 50 + 30 shots with hands on knowledge. 50000 HUF

Instructor: István Lipcsik, hunter, sports shooter, consecutive (from 2015 till 2021) Hungarian champion of the 10 and 50 meter moving target discipline, holds the current national highest score shot in one event at 50 meters.

Complex training course

For those whom reckon that their skills, generally speaking, do not meet their expectations.

The distribution of shots spread among the four stances (freehand, stick, supported and moving target) are left to the discretion of the candidate, up to a total of 60 shots. Per request extra shots can be added for an additional fee.

Shotgun course

Depending on the type of discipline the shooter wants to prepare for these 4 are available, seen below:
• Simulating rising birds (pheasant, partridge, quail)
• Simulating birds flying across (perpendicular to the shooter)
• Simulating rabbit
• Simulating high-flying or distant birds (goose, black grouse, gerbil)

A minimum of 50 shots as per the selected discipline is recommended. Multiple can be chosen as well as a larger quantity of shots. More than 100 shots at a time are only recommended for experienced and fit hunters.

Complex shotgun training course: all of the above with a total of 100 shots

Preparation begins with theoretical knowledge as to the specifics of small game hunting: stance, posture, pulling the weapon into the shoulder properly, discussion of the elements of the flow of movement without firing. Live fire follows. Conclusions are drawn from each shot as to what aspects require more attention. Depending on how individual performance is evaluated, difficulty is increased either via distance and/or speed.

The range is equipped with automated, remote-controlled trap machines.

Instructor: István Lipcsik hunter, sports shooter, 4 times national championship title holder in Olympic skeet (1997, 1998, 1999, 2004).